The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind
A lack of systems is why your business isn’t better;
a lack of marketing is why your business isn’t bigger.
Dear Business Owner,
You’re invited to apply for a Mastermind group with me as your facilitator and lead-innovator. Do you want to work hands-on with me and a small group of sharp businesspeople to innovate and scale your business? If that resonates with you, I’d really like to meet on a Zoom call.
Your “Lifestyle Business” is Completely Doable
You may be struggling now amidst the Covid 19 crisis, but there’re plenty of reasons to be hopeful. Your business could be better, your business should be better – much better! This is the perfect time to go to work On your business.
While everyone else is pressing pause on their business, you can press play. That’s how to create a prosperous business and a large life.
The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind, is inspired by my all-time favorite quote by Peter Drucker, and which, in my small business experience, I know to be absolutely true…
Don’t you love that? Innovation and marketing make money! As a small business owner, you should be proud of your desire to make money. Rabbi Daniel Lapin, in his book, Thou Shall Prosper, says it even stronger, “A person’s quest for profit and wealth is inherently moral.” The nature of business is making money. Innovation and marketing are the key focus of every super successful business, as they will also be in our Mastermind.
Business innovation is my story of learning the power of Mastermind
Over 25 years ago, I joined my first Mastermind, and it was my big leap into a way of thinking about business and life, that I’d never known.
It was the power of a Mastermind group that helped me slowly implement several mind-blowing epiphanies that literally changed everything about my business and my life. Without the help of this group I doubt I would’ve taken action on the ideas I was learning from a new business book.
The E-Myth book (Subtitle: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It) was recommended to me by another businessman. If you’re not familiar with the book by Michael Gerber, you likely know his now famous quote: “You need to stop going to work in your business as an employee and go to work ON it.” As the facilitator of our Mastermind, I’ll give you everything you need to enjoy the benefits of working ON your business. You can learn more about my journey to a business that works in my book, Victory Goes to the Business with Superior Systems.
Today I have the business life of my dreams, but that wasn’t always true.
When I started my business as a one-man operation I worked hard - I did all the jobs.
As the business grew and I started to add employees, I was unprepared for the growth and without a plan the business was all consuming.
My business didn’t work for one big reason - I didn’t know how a business was supposed to work. Innovation, systems thinking, process improvement, training manuals, LEAN thinking were all foreign to me. Without this critical knowledge, I lost my joy, business wasn’t fun or rewarding.
My Mess Becomes My Message...
The decision to join this group was one of the smartest of my life. The group was designed for people like me who wanted to go deeper – it was in every way, a Mastermind. It was the Mastermind that saved me from throwing in the towel.
Every week I’d get on a conference call with my Mastermind group: the leader and 12 other business people across the country. We took turns sharing our struggles and the progress we’d made from the previous week. The ideas and encouragement I got from the group (not just the leader) literally changed my life. I wouldn’t dare miss my weekly time with this group.
My Mastermind changed my business and my life
Today I have the business of my dreams. Yes, I have a business that works, but best of all I have a business that works without me in the daily operations. It’s what I like to call a, Lifestyle Business: standard of living and quality of life.
Let me ask you a question…do you have a group like that? Do you have a group of high performers raising the bar and challenging you to live your large life? Do you have someone interested and invested in you so that you become everything you were meant to be?
“If you're the smartest person in the group, you're in the wrong group.”
If you’re interested in joining a bigger group (a group desiring to grow to be the best version of themselves), if you want to learn more about being a member of The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind, click the button and schedule a Zoom meeting with me.
"If you're looking to improve your results in business or life, I highly recommend Brad's teaching..."
“Brad Miller has been instrumental in my life since 2004. I have learned to be a better business owner and person because of Brad’s influence on my life. Watching how Brad has continually made his systems in business better over the last 14 years has been a real education for me in bettering my business. I am a recovering micro-manager and currently have 7 employees. Every day I have to choose to allow the systems that we have implemented to work, then evaluate the results, and then tweak the processes when necessary. I have learned this from Brad and the concepts he teaches at Miller Marketing and Training.” – Kelly E. Hill, Business Owner
"One of the best investments you can make..."
“Brad and I have grown our companies in the same industry on opposite sides of the country, for over 35 years. As a frequent speaker at conferences, Brad has the reputation of a thought leader in our industry. I’ve read Brad’s book on systems and can attest that his thinking and strategies are sound. If you don’t want to settle for simply being an employee in your own company, but want the ultimate prize of being a “business owner,” whether you’re an established or emerging business check out his book and seminars. It will be one of the best investments you can make.” – Scott C. Barron, Founder – Botanical Designs
The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind
Grow Your Business Bigger and Better
Mastermind: The Secret of Every Successful Person
What I experienced in my first Mastermind is precisely what Napoleon Hill described in his book Think and Grow Rich, when he revealed this “secret of every successful person in the country.” He said this:
“A mastermind consists of two or more people who work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose.
It is the principle through which you may borrow the education, experience, influence and intellectual capital of other people, in carrying out your own plans in life.”
Hill also makes this bold claim about the men and women who use the power of the Mastermind…
“It is the principle through which you may accomplish in one year, more than you could accomplish in a lifetime, if you relied only on your own efforts.”
Slow down and read that again. You don’t have to “rely only on your own efforts.” The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind is for small business owners who share the same ideals and desires around business and serving others. People like you with a passion to do their Big Work. If you have this kind of passion in your heart, you will need the help of others to bring it to reality.
“Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.”
- Proverbs 15:22
You need the help of “many advisors,” and you’ll get that. In addition, if your passion is in the arena of small business, you’ll also need a Laser-Focus on these 3 Critical Success Factors (CSF’s):
In my nearly 40-year small business journey, it is these 3 CSF’s more than any others that create phenomenal success. Mastery of these 3 will grow your Top-line sales revenue, and your Bottom-line net profits. More dollars, and more in your pocket from every dollar! Can I get a Hallelujah?!
Another huge benefit of this Mastermind are the trainings you’ll get from me.
Every other week we’ll dig deep into one of these three business essentials. You’ll become an expert in each, but even more, you’ll learn to implement these concepts into your business.
Now you’re on the path to a small business that works. Which means, you’re on the path to, time and money freedom, respect from your family and friends, influence to do good in the world, and the peace of mind knowing you’re living your life to the full.
Innovation is simply the ability to Think about your work and see everything as a system – a process waiting to be created. I’ll teach you how break your work into chunks and create the step-by-step system anyone can use. Then document the systems!
That’s how you get free of your business and grow it – at the same time. You can be the Visionary, the Inventor and Chief Innovator of your business – I’ll show you how.
“If you can’t describe what you’re doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing” – Demings
INNOVATION (click for more detail on the topics we’ll cover)
If we stopped the Mastermind right there and focused on “just” innovation, your business and your life would change forever – But we don’t stop! Not by far.
The purpose of innovation and systems is to create your best business – the goal of marketing is to attract a stream of perfect prospects to your best business.
A lack of systems is why your business isn’t better;
a lack of marketing is why your business isn’t bigger.
If you’re business is “the best kept secret in town” that’s not a compliment. It means you stink at marketing. Best kept secret means, people love your work, but no one knows about you. Friend that’s tragic! Marketing can also be a system – a new client acquisition system, and I’ll teach you how to create one (several actually). When you crack the code on client acquisition, you can control your business: your order-fulfillment systems + your marketing systems = your money-machine.
MARKETING (click for more detail on the topics we’ll cover)
But wait…there’s more. There’s an elephant in the room we have to talk about, or all this innovation and marketing will never happen. The elephant will keep you from even considering this Mastermind.
It’s your BS. The elephant is your mind-set. Your Belief Systems of course!
“Your business is either good or bad between your own two ears.”
The possibilities of innovation and marketing are exciting, but without vision and belief, nothing changes. When Zig Ziglar said that he was talking about the head-game of business. It’s not just positive-thinking (critical as that is) it’s possibility-thinking: “believing” your business can serve you with a large-life and freedom. You can stop living to serve your business with an employee mindset and become a business owner. This all begins with the belief that it’s possible! Hint: It Is!
MINDSET (click for more detail on the topics we’ll cover)
That voice inside your head is either serving you or holding you back from the business and life of your dreams. Right now even. Are you thinking any of these…
- I’ve heard all this before
- My business is doing just fine
- It’s too much money
- I don’t really want to grow my business
- My business is different, this won’t work for me
You're either embracing the idea of building the business of your dreams, or you’re rejecting it. Your mindset is responsible for that.
Limiting Beliefs. Fear. Mental Lies. Scarcity. Negativity. Doubt
Let’s be honest, we all deal it. If you don’t face it down, you lose. Building a solid and successful business is more than anything – A head game!
"If you’re looking for a business mentor... he’s your guy."
“Brad has an amazing business journey and I have had the privilege to witness much of it. His commitment and determination to create a lifestyle business driven by systems is admirable. He’s done it! If you’re looking for a business mentor – someone who can help scale your business with a systems strategy, he’s your guy. Equally, if you’re looking for an example of leadership around work/life balance, I’ve watched Brad build not only a business, but a marriage & family, and a large bible teaching ministry at his church. As a client, I know Brad has a real business, in the real world that manages hundreds of clients and a large team of associates. The strategies he teaches in his new marketing and training business, are definitely worth the investment.” – Mark McFalls, General Manager – Ferguson Waterworks
"I go out of my way to attend anytime he is speaking!"
“Brad’s understanding of how to implement systems to improve your business and personal life are excellent. I’ve heard Brad speak 40 or 50 times and go out of my way to attend anytime he is speaking. I have read his last book twice, and given it as a gift to several people. Compared to the E-Myth, I liked his book much better, as it offered such practical advice. I highly recommend Brad’s work, as it has profoundly impacted my thinking on business and life.” – Brad Nash, Nash Insurance and Associates – State Farm agent for 40 years
The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind
Grow Your Business Bigger and Better
Your Best Year Yet
Friend, you can expect Your Best Year Yet, because your new peer group (me especially) will expect your best. You know you have another gear you haven’t used - more potential, a talent that’s still buried, or maybe even a dream that’s burning to be realized. Whatever your Best Work is, your Mastermind peer group will help you realize it.
“Your life will be the direct reflection of the expectations of your peer group.”
- Tony Robbins
In your time with me and other high performers, I want your expectations high. This is a paid mastermind group and it’s not inexpensive - I won’t let you waste your money. You can expect to be challenged with big ideas to grow your business, but also to grow yourself.
Your high expectations of me:
- You can expect me to “show up big” ready to focus on you and your big life
- You can expect me to be interested and invested in your success
- To learn about you, study you, and dive deep into your business and how you define Victory
- You can expect me to speak into your life and say things that perhaps no one else has said
- You can expect absolute positivity and kindness (shame and guilt is not how I motivate)
- You can expect a safe, confidential and encouraging experience every time we meet
"Brad knows his stuff..."
“Bottom line, Brad knows his stuff. I’ve had the opportunity to experience both his businesses up close, and Brad is the real deal. Prior to meeting Brad, I’d read books on business systems, but hadn’t implemented much. His businesses have become my visual reference of successful business-systems in action. He has a real-world business with a lot of moving parts, and his systems strategies make it look effortless. When I asked for advice for my company, he gave me a copy of his book – now it’s a gift to all of my new clients to help them in their business. If like me, the idea of systems for your business has intrigued you, but you could never get any traction, I would highly recommend Brad’s work and his products.” – Dan Fadayomi, President/Owner, Anywhere Computer Repair
"I highly recommend you engage in his teachings..."
“Because of the the line of work I’m engaged in as a best-selling writer and public speaker, Brad’s presentations impressed me as brilliant and insightful. His talk on how to create marketing systems wowed me and the audience. If you have the opportunity to work with Brad, to improve yourself and grow your business, I would highly recommend you engage in his teachings.” – Terry Felber, President – Felber and Associates, Inc.
Why should you work with me?
This is my Bradmillerness Work
Your work is not your job, and it’s not your business. Your Work is something special, even sacred. A huge part of my Work is helping you find your Work. The best way I’ve found to describe it is, my Bradmillerness Work. It’s the work I was created for, and only I can do it.
Fill in the blank with your first and last name:
“I am doing my ______________ness Work.”
Your Work of serving others, is serving the world, and only You can do it. I want to be part of your journey to find that work. If you’re reading this and you’re a small business owner, there’s a really good chance, we should be working together. That’s pretty bold of me, but I say it because small business owners are a rare breed and because of my unique belief systems, it’s who I connect with deeply.
In my nearly 40 years of growing a business, I have discovered my Work: how I can show up big in the world and serve others (especially small business owners) in a life-transforming way.
This is what I bring to the table to serve you as the creator and lead facilitator. They are my core beliefs and unique areas of expertise – my Bradmillerness.
- Business is a high calling. I believe in the morality and dignity of business; it is noble and worthy. Business is the business of people. Serving people in meaningful ways is the essence of every successful business. If you’re business is struggling, maybe you’ve lost sight of your high calling of serving people.
- Business is character & personal development. Growing a business is also one of the very best tools to tap the full potential of your life. Jim Rohn was famous for saying, “Make it your goal to earn a million dollars, not for the money, but for the kind of person you have to become.” You’ll never fully master business, and it’ll take everything you’ve got.
- Prosperity is a good thing. Your desire for prosperity, firmly hitched to your belief in the high calling of business, serves everyone. Only businesses create money, governments do not. Money serves you, your family, your staff, your community, and your government. Small business is the engine of the world’s economies. Let’s make a lot of money and serve the world.
- You have to work On your business, not just In it. I was ten years into my small business journey, and about to give up, when I learned this. It was the absolute game-changer. My mindset changed immediately, my business more slowly. If I knew then, what I know now about “working on” I could’ve shaved years off the transformation.
- It takes Vision and Systems to work on your business. My proprietary process for working on your business is called, “Your Best Work, the Best Way.” It’s inspired by this quote from Deming, “It’s not enough to do your best, you must know what to do and then do your best.” Vision is knowing what to do, Systems is doing it the best way.
- Vision is knowing “Your Best Work.” Maybe you’re like me and thought, “this vision stuff is a waste of time, let’s just get to work.” Wow, have I seen the light, and vision is the light. Vision drives everything. Without a vision, the people perish (your business perishes). Today I use vision in everything we do, including the use of micro-visions to share the successful outcomes we desire.
- Systems is doing “Your Work, the Best Way.” Systems thinking creates a predictable business for you, your staff and your customers. Everyone loves systems. Customers love (demand) a predictable experience, or they take their business elsewhere. Employees love and thrive with finely tuned processes, because they know what’s expected. Business owners love systems because they create customers, cashflow and profits.
- Marketing is Everything. Once my business was humming with systems, I got interested in marketing. OK, I got obsessed with marketing. I stopped going to industry conferences and went to high-level marketing events instead. Thinking outside the industry boxes revolutionized my client acquisition mindset. My business was my laboratory and I became the marketing mad scientist (cue mad scientist laugh).
- Selling is a skill, and a system. Even with the best marketing, business is person to person (note: there’s no such thing as B2B or B2C, only P2P). You need the skills of a professional salesperson and you can learn them. Good News: You can augment those skills with sales funnels and marketing systems. That way you never have to make a cold-call. You become “the welcomed guest, not the annoying pest.” Thank you, Dan Kennedy who taught me, that.
- Training keeps the Train on the tracks. Your business is a locomotive. All the power and potential of a locomotive is useless without the tracks. Training your team to use your systems is keeping your business on track. Creating training systems is definitely part of my Bradmillerness work.
- Your business is not your life. You can, and you must have a life and a business. What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his __________? Friend, please please don’t sacrifice your family, your marriage, your health, your…whatever, for your business. That would be Stupid, and you don’t have to.
All of Bradmillerness Work can be summed up in this personal mission statement:
My magnificent obsession is your abundant life and a business that works.
The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind
Grow Your Business Bigger and Better
"Brad inspires his readers to march forward and to make things happen!"
“My years as a Salvation Army Area Commander, have convinced me that “where there is no vision, the people perish…” Brad gets that “truth” and after reading his book, Victory Goes to the Business with Superior Systems, I’m even more convinced that ‘systems’ are what make vision a reality. — Habakkuk 2:2 states, ‘Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets…’ Likewise, Brad advises his readers to write their systems manuals so that their vision can be connected to tangible/achievable steps, thus making their vision a reality. Brad provides lofty ideas while, at the same time, having his feet planted on solid ground. Brad inspires his readers to march forward and to make things happen!” – Tim Gilliam, Major – Area Commander – The Salvation Army
"He's learned how to create a real business that works..."
“Many companies talk about systems, Brad’s business is a 360 degree systems machine. He’s learned how to create a real business that works. The work of his newest company, Miller Marketing & Training, will show you how to do the same. Starting with the belief that selling and marketing should be a system that creates and converts leads; he teaches how to bring it full circle with a system for every bit of the order fulfillment process too. The work of his new company could be his best work yet, as he excels as a teacher, trainer and speaker. If your desire is to grow your business, but not forsake your life, I would highly recommend you invest in Brad’s work.” – Art Campbell, CMC – President, National Interiorscape Network
The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind Experience Includes
- Kick-off Strategic Vision and Alignment One-on-One Session with me
(You and I will meet on a Zoom call, after you join for a meaningful conversation about your vision for your life and business) - Two meetings per month:
- Two 90-minute Zoom calls with your Mastermind group
(meeting every other week) - Regular Hot Seat sessions. All minds are on You! Share your challenges and issues, ask for help and be ready to receive.
- At every meeting: Key business trainings. I’ll teach my best strategies on process, marketing, sales, innovation, mindset, etc.
- Four meetings per year (once every quarter)
- 90-minute Strategic Vision and Alignment Check-Up
- One-on-One Session with me on a Zoom call
- Online message forum to share ideas, To-Do Lists, accountability and encouragement with your Mastermind members
- “In-the Zone” meetings: (Calendared time for you to work on your business, on your own)
- Two 90-minute + “In-the-Zone” sessions (meeting every other week)
- Work on your own, ON your business!
- These are on the opposite weeks of the Mastermind meetings - designed to create a ritual for your “In-the-Zone” time.
BONUS Training Products Included
As a member of the The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind, you’ll have Free access to my best training products, created to implement innovation, sales and marketing into every area of your business.
- My book, Victory Goes to the Business with Superior Systems
- My Flagship on-line course, Systems Manual Blueprints
Sold on my website for $997.00, this is my flagship course for how to work on your business to create training manuals for every division of your business.
- My Marketing course - Victory Goes to the Business with Superior MARKETING Systems.
DVD/CD’s of my best training on how to build a multi-step marketing campaign.
Is this the right Mastermind for You?
The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind is not for everyone.
This is not a beginner’s group. To protect and enrich the experience of all members, you must come with some business experience and accomplishments.
To qualify for membership, you must meet the following benchmarks.*
- Small Business owner or C-level employee for a minimum of 10 years
- 5 or more employees
- Annual revenues of at least $750,000.
- Margin and Flexibility in your schedule to attend scheduled meetings
- Willingness to make your Mastermind group a high priority in your schedule – the power of the group is many Minds working together to Master a problem
- Committed to the success of every other member, as well as your own - showing up big for everyone, is a key principle of a successful Mastermind
- Ability to afford the annual membership fee of $15,000 a year. (See below for Charter Member discount and payment options)
- Desire to grow and scale your business
- Ready to work ON your business and take off the “toolbelt mindset”
- A glass half-full mindset of can-do positivity. Eeyore attitudes not allowed
- Integrity and confidentiality about everything you hear and learn in the meeting
* Membership also includes and requires a Zoom meeting with myself as I learn about you and your business. Special exceptions to the benchmarks may apply.
The Most Important Investment You Can Make is
Investing In Yourself
The annual membership for The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind is $15,000.
The Charter Member first year discount is $1500.
Charter Member first year membership is $13,500.
Payable monthly at $1125.00 per month
Additional discount for one-time payment of $13,000 (save additional $500).
I’ll end with one more Drucker quote...
Friend, this is about you, and for you!
You are that person who, “once made a courageous decision.” Is your “successful business” giving you the life you desired when you made that decision? Or is it consuming your life?
I’d like to ask you to make another courageous decision, “apply for The Innovation and Marketing Mastermind, and learn to create the business life of your dreams.”
With enthusiasm and Spirit,
The Innovation & Marketing Mastermind
Grow Your Business Bigger and Better